Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Are you ever your own boss?

I should think not!

Most people, when they talk about entrepreneurship, say that one of the reasons they did it is so that they can be their own boss. I would think there is no such thing.

When you become an entrepreneur, instead of being content with one single boss, now you have to deal with multiple bosses, who are equally demanding and cut-throat.

Your first and foremost boss will be the customer/client. As the old adage goes, the customer is always right. even when he is wrong, he is right.

Next in line are your investors. I for one have 3 investors and each of them have given me their hard earned money believing that I will grow it and see to it that fair returns are realized

Then comes your employees. And here is the bare truth. As an entrepreneur you are a slave of your employee. Don't believe me? Well if you value your business, you will. In todays world, any business is run on human capital. even a "fully" mechanized factory needs a human to bloody turn the damn thing on!

Next, your suppliers. True, ideally you are their clients. But hey, we are not living in an ideal world and unless you give and take respect, you will not survive for long in your business. Your suppliers are key to your survival. THey could make or break your business especially during key turnover seasons. Better be good to them!

So, to sum up, when you become an entrepreneur, kiss even your present freedom goodbye!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Why am I an Entrepreneur...

Ive had many people ask me why I left a decent paying job where I was doing pretty OK and on my way to greater and better things. Infact, I have asked the question to myself... many times. I'll try and articulate it the best way I can.

Before I answer with what I feel is the answer in my mind, let me give you a background about myself. I am an engineer by degree, worked as a software developer at NDS (among other companies) for 5 years post my bachelors, did my MBA from Great Lakes Institute of Management, headed BIG 92.7 FM for Kerala, India for a year. Now I am starting an international standard preschool chain in Trivandrum, Kerala called The Wonder Years - Preschool, Daycare & Children's Library.

As can be seen, I've done my share of industry shifts in a space of 7-8 years. And it all comes down to doing what I love and Loving what I do.

Even since I can remember, I have wanted to do things differently. You see, I come from a family of professionals. My Grandfather was a Doctor, so are my parents, my sisters are engineers. "Business" is something that most in my family do not understand. But I have always been fascinated by it. It is this status quo that I wanted to change. It is this that i wanted different in my life.

Was it because of the money? Not really. Money was never the exciting part for me. Rather, it is seeing something being built from scratch and then going on to becoming a success. I think money will come automatically if you work hard enough and make atleast 30-40% of you moves right.

I have an idealistic view about business. I believe that it should serve a higher purpose than just fill coffers. In short, I am a socialist with a Capitalist bend of mind. Now does that go hand in hand? I think it does. All this CSR that we keep hearing about is an offshoot of the same thinking.

Ofcourse, back when I was a kid and before I did my MBA, I never knew that failure in business is a very high probability, especially for fresh entrepreneurs who are just starting on a new path. But now i know better. and I am ready for the long haul.

I got a taste of running a business when I headed BIG 92.7 FM. I was the P&L head for Kerala. When i took over the station, it was in pretty bad shape. We were at Rs. 300,000 revenue per month. I had just 4 associates (1 RJ!!, 2 sales, 1 technical). Morale was at an all time low. BIG was on the way to disaster. I concentrated on setting the core business right and believed that if that was set right, the sales would fall in place. Over a period of 6 months, I built the team to 8 (4 RJs including a programming head, 3 sales, 1 technical). and what happened when we set the core right was that our revenues shot from a mere Rs 300,000 per month to Rs 2,500,000 per month!!!

So, what did I do at BIG? Nothing much to be honest. I made my share of mistakes (in sales, in hiring) but it was always a continuous learning experience. I trusted my associates and told them so. I made promises to them and made sure that I kept everyone of them. (That is NOT to say I promised them anything and everything! I made difficult but do-able promises... and kept them!) I gave my associates the authority to make the best decisions when it came to work. The only thing I insisted was for them to keep me in the loop. Most of the time I never shot down any of their ideas. If any, I urged them to think differently about implementation. I did not want to curb enthusiasm. I let the creative juices flow (afterall, radio is a creative business). We ensured that our clients were serviced to the MAX. Our servicing levels have not been matched by any other player in the industry and I believe that is our differentiator. And the results came strong at the end. From being one of the worst stations in our 45 station network, by the end of the year, Trivandrum became one of the best among Non-Metros.

Does this mean that as an entrepreneur I am going to be a runaway success. Not really. I do not harbor any such pretenses (though everyday I dream of being on the cover of Forbes ;) ). I understand that working in an established firm with critical backup and help is very different (and easier) than setting a business of my own and growing it.

It is this very challenge that drives me. It is this challenge that makes me get up everyday. It is this challenge that makes me want to vanquish my competition.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Who is an Entrepreneur?

Thats a tough question... very tough. I would not venture to claim that I am a natural entrepreneur. But ever since I can remember, I have had this undying desire and passion to create something that I can call my own. It is this desire, the inner voice that keeps telling me to break open the shackles that has led me to take this extreme step!

Well, no, I am not talking about jumping off a cliff, though i must admit, the feeling would be quite similar. (frankly, I wouldn't know. I have never jumped off a stationary bus, let alone a cliff!!)

So, who is an entrepreneur? I would think it is anyone who takes an idea, synthesizes it, gives it a form and sells it.

By that definition, even innovators in big companies who rally the management to fund their pet project that they believe will add value to the companies customers is an entrepreneur. In these companies ,the role of a VC is taken up by the management. They will be putting up the $$ required on the table, they will be expecting the team to perform and come up with a winning solution.

Having said this, I, personally, do not think we can call them entrepreneurs. Why? Because they are working for their company, they are employees. In most cases, employees do not have much to lose. The worst that can happen is at the end of the project, it gets shelved due to non-viability. And maybe, just maybe, the employee gets fired. But I do not think modern companies work that way. Most modern companies cherish innovators because they know that 1 in 3 ideas will be a hit.

Oh, but I'm rambling on. I believe entrepreneurs need to take lot more risk (and responsibility). Entrepreneurship is all about creating opportunities and value where it did not exist. It is about bringing together a diverse set of people to work together for a common task. Its about garnering resources and applying it in the most judicious way in order to maximise value and revenue. It is about leadership. It is about struggle. It is about holding your head high in the face of defeat. It is about listening to naysayers, taking the best from them and moving on. It is about having and keeping a positive attitude to life as a whole.

In short, an entrepreneur is all this and much more.

Hello World!

Ahh yes... the famous hello world.. most used to test after coding software. Why am i using it here? well im testing these settings too. before i get into more serious stuff :)

Well, here goes.